Legal Blogs

Dingell Drive Tunnels & Roadway Rehabilitation Project REBID: WCAA 230563A

6% DBE Participation Required

WCAA 230563A *

Information: The Wayne County Airport Authority (Airport Authority) is soliciting bids from general contractors, construction managers and other businesses for Dingell Drive Tunnels and Roadway Rehabilitation project at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW). This Project includes work associated with removal and replacement of: ventilation fans, LED lighting, standpipe replacement, storm sewer, roadway concrete, concrete curb, overhead sign, street light, traffic signal and electrical/fiber installation, structural concrete repairs, roadway concrete cutting/patching and other associated work items, in accordance with the drawings, specifications and other Contract Documents. For purposes of this contract, Attachment I1 – Construction Documents refers to Dingell Dr. Tunnels and Roadway Rehabilitation – Volume 1 (Tunnels) and Volume 2 (Roadway). It is anticipated that this Project will start construction in the Fall of 2023 and be completed over three years with Substantial Completion expected in Fall 2026, and be partially funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Airport Infrastructure Grants (AIG). (The Contract resulting from this solicitation is subject to Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Wage Requirements.)